The government of Żmudź

Herb Gminy Żmudź

Mayor: Edyta Niezgoda
The district mayor’s address: 22-114 Żmudź
tel: (82) 568 01 82
fax: (82) 568 06 20

The Żmudź district is located in the Southern and Eastern part of the Chełm county. The area covers 136 km2 and is inhibited by 3,7 thousand people (the smallest number of inhabitants: only 3 people in Gałęziów; the biggest number: 818 people in Żmudź). It is a country district with 17 administrative units (22 villages). The density of population is 26 people per 1 km2. The district has got a good localization. The distance from the county is 20 km. A regional road (10,7 km) from Chełm to Hrubieszów runs through the district. It was a national road till 1998 as written in nomenclature of the road signs. It leads to the border crossing with Ukraine.

The district borders with six districts:

  • with Białopole in the South,
  • with Dorohusk and Dubienka in the East,
  • with Kamień in the North,
  • with Wojsławice and Leśniowice in the West.

Different roads run through the district area:

  • 10,7 km of the regional road from Chełm to Hrubieszów,
  • 48,6 km of county roads,
  • 183 km of district roads (47 km of them are paved).

Two regions can be distinguished in the district:

  • The Northern region with poor soils, a lot of greenery, and a great part devoted to forests and water tanks,
  • The Southern region with good soils.

There are several institutions promoting culture in the district:

  • The District Community Centre in Żmudź,
  • The District Public Library in Żmudź,
  • The branch of the District Public Library in Roztoka,

The District Community Centre conducts activities as:

  • recreational (discos, games, mass parties, balls),
  • sport (table tennis, volleyball, shooting and football championships),
  • educational (tourist trips with art contests, projection of required readings and films, teaching the basics in IT),
  • cultural (exhibitions of paintings, meeting with folk creators, musical concerts, and meetings with actors and writers).

There is a natural monument in Bielin – a fine leaved lime with 290 cm of the trunk size, 22 m of height, and 18 m of the crown size.

Moreover, there is a natural reserve in Żmudź covering 5,81 hectares. The reserve was created in order to preserve unique residual forms made of chalk rocks and protect xerophytes’ habitats with a numerous Linum flavum- a kind of flax. The Protected Landscape Park was created in Chełm and Grabowiec- Strzelce. The Chełm Protected Landscape Park covers the Northern and Eastern part of the district. These areas are rich in flora and fauna: the Udal and Krzywółka valleys with numerous lakes and peat areas, forest complexes near Pobołowice and Puszcza. The Grabowiec- Strzelce Protected Landscape Park is located in the Southern part of the district. It involves an attractive lie of the land near Maziarnia and fragments of the Wełnianka valley. Maple, hornbeam and hedge avenues are composition elements of the park in Wólka Leszczańska. There are 557 trees, and 250 of them are in the inner plantation (pines). There are 19 tree species. The dominant trees are: the horse-chestnut, the European black pine, the small-leaved lime, the Norway spruce, the black locust, the European ash, the Persian walnut and the Norway maple.

Monumental objects in the district:

  1. Dryszczów
    a) a stone cross from the 19th century,
    b)a wooden chapel of Saint John the Baptist from 1857, renovated in 1975,
  2. Puszcza
    a) a brick chapel of Saint John of Nepomuk from the first half of the 19th century,
  3. Żmudź
    a) a wooden church in Żmudź,
    b) a brick chapel from the end of the 19th century,
    c) the Municipal Council’s building, brick, from 1905,
    d) the remains of manor complexes:
    – a brick manor house from the 19th century, rebuilt- nowadays, the District Association’s office in Żmudź,
    – a brick distillery from the 19th century, owned by the Farm Property Agency of the State Treasury,
    – a brick storehouse of the distillery from the 19th century, owned by the Farm Property Agency of the State Treasury,
    – a brick outbuilding from the 19th century, owned by the District Association in Żmudź.
  4. An inn in Wólka Leszczańska,
  5. A water and gas mill in Pobołowice
  6. A sacral complex in Klesztów